In this blog post, I am going to setup a web server from scratch on Azure AKS by using Pulumi typescript application.
The technology stack is Angular and .NET Core rest api based on framwork, it shows basic information of top rated movies, the source is stored at
- Install Pulumi
- Install Azure Cli and login by command az login
- Create new Pulumi project: pulumi new azure-typescript
- Create new SQL database instance
- Create new AKS instance
Generate public key and set pulumi config
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f key.rsa
pulumi config set sshPublicKey <
pulumi config set aks_password strong_password
Then define new AKS cluster in typescript as below:
- Deploy SQL and AKS
Run Pulumi up to create SQL Server and AKS instances

This is the result

The full source-code for Azure deployment is at
- Create new k8s Pulumi project: pulumi new kubernetes-typescript
The source-code for k8s pulumi here, following are steps:
- Create dockerfile for angular application
- Deploy to DockerHub, you can also push image to Azure Container Registry by guidance here
docker build -t tmdbmovies-frontend
docker tag tmdbmovies-frontend hadoanmanh/tmdbmovies-frontend
docker push
- Create docker file for .net core and deploy to DockerHub
After that we have 2 docker images in docker hub:
- Create Kubernetes deployment to deploy .NET core Backend
- Define .net core back-end service
- Create kubernetes deployment and service, it is same as .net core. The source-code for angular is at
- Install kubectl
az aks install-cli
- Login to AKS
az aks get-credentials --resource-group resource-group-abp-microservice-demo --name demo-aksclustercc4d76ed

- Run
pulumi up
to deploy backend and angular to AKS - Enable AKS dashboard

az aks enable-addons -g resource-group-abp-microservice-demo -n demo-akscluster34a4f9c3 -a kube-dashboard
View dashboard
az aks browse — resource-group resource-group-abp-microservice-demo — name demo-akscluster34a4f9c3

Go to service to see IP of your angular and backend service, my demo application is hosted at
Have fun to play with AKS!