tRPC is a fantastic tool that allows developers to create typesafe APIs. It is an end-to-end typesafe API framework for Next.js. If youre new to tRPC and Next.js, this step-by-step guide is the perfect place to get started.
Step 1: Setup Your Next.js Project
Firstly, you need to have a Next.js project set up. If you dont have one yet, you can create a new one using the following command:
npx create-next-app@latest
Step 2: Install the tRPC Packages
With your Next.js project set up, its time to install tRPC. Run the following command:
npm install @trpc/client @trpc/server @trpc/react @trpc/next
These packages provide the client, server, and React integrations, as well as the Next.js adapters for tRPC.
Step 3: Create Your First tRPC Router
Create a new file at `pages/api/trpc/[trpc].ts`:
import { createRouter } from @trpc / server;
import { TRPCResponse } from @trpc / server;
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from next;
export default createRouter()
.query(getHello, {
resolve() {
return Hello tRPC;
getHTTPContext: ({ req, res }: { req: NextApiRequest; res: NextApiResponse }) => ({
In this file, weve defined a simple tRPC router with a single query: `getHello`. When this query is called, it will return the string Hello tRPC.
Step 4: Set Up Your tRPC Client
Now, lets set up the tRPC client. This will be used to call the API we just created. Create a new file at `utils/trpc.ts`:
import { createTRPCClient } from @trpc/client;
import { AppRouter } from ../pages/api/trpc/[trpc];
export const client = createTRPCClient<AppRouter>({
url: http://localhost:3000/api/trpc,
Here, weve created a tRPC client that points to our API endpoint.
Step 5: Use Your tRPC API in a Component
Finally, lets use our `getHello` API in a component. Create a new file at `pages/index.tsx`:
import { client } from ../utils/trpc;
import { useEffect, useState } from react;
export default function Home() {
const [message, setMessage] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return <div>{message}</div>;
Here, were calling our `getHello` API on component mount and displaying the returned message.
And voila! Youve now successfully set up a typesafe API with tRPC and Next.js. Happy coding!