Steps to install Kafka in Windows 10
- Install chocolately
- Install Java runtime (JRE) from chocolatey
- Set JAVA_HOME System Variable to JRE Folder after installation

4. Install Zookeeper from Chocolatey, it will be installed in folder C:\Tools\zookeeper-3.4.9
5. Go to C:\Tools\zookeeper-3.4.9\conf, rename “zoo_sample.cfg” to “zoo.cfg”
6. Find and edit zoo.cfg as following

7. Add in System Variables ZOOKEEPER_HOME = C:\Tools\zookeeper-3.4.9
Edit System Variable named “Path” and append %ZOOKEEPER_HOME%\bin
8. Open the command prompt and type zkserver.

9. Download and Extract Apache Kafka from here, my folder is C:\Tools\kafka_2.12–2.3.1
10. Go to config folder in Apache Kafka and edit “” using any text editor.
11. Find log.dirs and repelace after “=/tmp/kafka-logs” to “=C:\Tools\kafka_2.12–2.3.1\logs” (change your version number).
12. Open PowerShell, go to C:\Tools\kafka_2.12–2.3.1 folder and start Kafka server .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\

Kafka will run on port 9092
13. Start to test Kafka!